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Primarily here for the porn and chatting to like-minded women. Are there any out there that also enjoy porn and can reply in more than single sentences? Nothing more frustrating than an "I love to chat.." profile that elicits monosyllabic replies.. if indeed any reply at all. Mature, imaginative, articulate and (let's be honest) horny women sought for creative fantasy swapping! Don't be shy...<br/>Update 2021: Slowly weeding out non chatting friends. So much more fun sharing porn with those who like to talk about their interests and kinks...<br/><br/>My interests tend more towards the fetish end of the market, and are 90% GG in nature, but if I'm honest I get just as turned on by Her First Lesbian Sex as I do by Jay Sin movies. It's the chemistry that's important, nothing more off-putting than a couple of girls going through the motions..<br/><br/>BDSM test results..<br/><br/>99% Switch <br/>89% Voyeur <br/>82% Rope bunny <br/>67% Rigger <br/>63% Exhibitionist <br/>61% Submissive <br/>60% Degrader <br/>55% Dominant <br/>54% Primal (Hunter) <br/>53% Experimentalist <br/>53% Non-monogamist
I think you might like some of what's in there!