29 Septembre, 2016 THE ETHICAL SLUT: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities - Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy "...dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle--from self-reflection and honest communication to practicing safe sex and raising a family. Individuals and their partners will learn how to discuss and honor boundaries, resolve conflicts, and to define relationships on their own terms." And, here's a great podcast interviewing one of the authors: https://www.anunclutteredlife.com/ethical-slut-can-teach-love-… 阅读更多内容
Coney Island Mermaid Parade
The Coney Island Mermaid Parade celebrates the beginning of the summer season (late June) in Coney Island, New York. It traditionally takes place on the Saturday closest to the calendar start of summer, June 21, regardless of the weather. The tradition began in 1983, when the first event of this kind was conceptualized and organized by Dick Zigun, who is sometimes dubbed the "Mayor of Coney Island", and who was the founder of the non-profit arts group Coney Island USA. The last nine parades (up to 2015) were held on June 21, 2008; June 20, 2009; June 19, 2010; June 18, 2011; June 23, 2012;… 阅读更多内容
What's Playing on Mermaid Radio?
(17) THE SHARK AND THE MERMAID - BILLIE MEYERS dedicado a Aglaope...<3...mi hermana sirena aquí en el mundo de xH! (pretty mindless lyrics, but an OK beat and melody. Fun Fact: which prior neighborhood of mine is the cover photo of the CD snapped in? https://youtu.be/6No3tXrMnDQ?list=PL7hrp6yCsY0l27l9KjLVNBZJqWtzZP5-U Without a moments hesitation They threw caution to the wind He though, she must be blind not to see He was no prince char… 阅读更多内容
BEST & WORST Pseudonyms
BEST Pseudonyms MEN fisherman (c’mon? With my pseudonym? And, it didn’t seem to be made in response to mine…but, already existed 5 years hence!) starfishRELOAD cavaliere84 readynwaitin Honesto26 Ulysse88 (As I am a mermaid, I am attracted to sailors, too. And, Ulysses...well, you show me you can read...and, not just comics!) scarves4fun WOMEN Aglaope (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren_(mythology) ) COUPLES beachlover64 mouillechatte WORST Pseudonyms (in my humble opinion…or, perhaps I should say…just didn’… 阅读更多内容
The Things (Words) I've Learned
Clearly I chat more in French than other languages as these lists show. It has actually been quite useful and I'm pleased at how my fluidity in writing French has improved. Partly due to the lovely (usually accurate) auto-correct function; partly due to the kind corrections received by many users; but, above all, simply by receiving interesting, intelligent, sophisticated, creative messages from some of you that have constantly (and pleasantly) expanded my vocabulary. THANK YOU! MWAH! Most recent updates in BOLD NEW Words I learned FRENCH apprivoiser - to t… 阅读更多内容
Embracing Ethical Porn: Dirty Movies with A Consci
Embracing Ethical Porn: Dirty Movies with A Conscience Source: http://www.scandalouswomen.com/embracing-ethical-porn/?utm_content=buffer5577e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer So it’s Friday night, you and the girls are a bit tipsy and someone suggests watching something a little bit harder (pun intended) than Magic Mike XXL. A few moments into ViXXXens 2, however, something strikes you: that position couldn’t possibly be making her cum, in fact, you’re pretty sure it would hurt. You know it’s acting but she doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself and… 阅读更多内容
How Group Sex can b a Tool 4 Personal & Spirit
http://www.elephantjournal.com/2016/06/how-group-sex-can-be-a-tool-for-personal-spiritual-growth-adult/ How Group Sex can be a Tool for Personal & Spiritual Growth. {Adult} Raffaello Manacorda (via Elephant Journal) Jun 29, 2016 Talking about group sex as a spiritual experience may sound outrageous, out of place, inadequate—and yet, in each and every sexual experience lies the possibility of deep transformation. Group sex is no exception. Group sex (meaning, in this context: consensual sexual activity that involves more than two people) may not be part of everyone’s ordina… 阅读更多内容
Casual Sex: Everyone is Doing it (article in The
http://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/casual-sex-everyone-is-doing-it CASUAL SEX: EVERYONE IS DOING IT By Maria Konnikova , JUNE 25, 2016 Part research project, part society devoted to titillation, the Casual Sex Project reminds us that hookups aren't just for college students. ILLUSTRATION BY WREN MCDONALD Zhana Vrangalova had hit a problem. On a blustery day in early spring, sitting in a small coffee shop near the campus of New York University, where she is an adjunct professor of psychology, she was unable to load onto her laptop the Web site that we had met to discus… 阅读更多内容
Porn in the News
Porn in the News (Cut and paste the URL's...unless someone can tell me how to insert a hyperlink here? Hmmmm ;-0) 2016 2 Sept - "Will California’s Prop 60 expose adult film workers to lawsuits?", PolitiFact http://bit.ly/2clHSiX 1 Sept - "Pamela Anderson's anti-porn piece panned", CNN Digital http://cnn.it/2bKtXkK 1 Sept - "Why Pamela Anderson’s Bizarre Anti-Porn Crusade Does More Harm Than Good", The Daily b**st http://thebea.st/2bFVXmf 6 June - "The Sex-Tech CEO Inspiring Female Founders to Be Fearless”, Forbes http://onforb.es/1Uvv3wp 6 June - "Feminist porn director Pan… 阅读更多内容
Make LOVE not PORN
New York City Porn Film Festival (4 June, 2016) So, this past Saturday was the second annual NYC Porn Film Festival. WOW! I so wish I would have gone. Maybe next year. The line-up of speakers looked fantastic. I discovered the festival because I receive the newsletter from another ‘porn’ website to which I subscribe and am a member. There’s a reason, however, that ‘porn’ is in quotes. This site is very special. I discovered this site through one of my all-time favorite Tech Guru’s, Robert Scoble. He did a very moving Facebook post about being sexually abused as a c***d (topic f… 阅读更多内容
Woman Seeks Hot Intelligent Man for Art/Jazz Event
N.B. This post goes á la Hébreu et Arabe...well, sort of...instead of 'right to left'...best to read from the bottom to the top. - - Final update: 6 June 2016 - - The winner of the contest within a contest ("Which dress did she wear?") was: yb0007...a young lad who, almost didn't make the 'cut' to friend status. But, after a valiant and serious effort on his part...arrived and seems to have earned a 'seat at the table'...for the moment. Congratulations! And, now...what theme do you want for your video prize? ;-) - -Mid-term update - - So, I'm in my bath...the 'contest' is over… 阅读更多内容
Euphemisms 4 Masturbation (Male)
Have one to add (in any language)? Have a favorite? COMMENT below! (1) Jacking off (2) Wanking (3) Hand Shandy (4) Bashing the Bishop (5) Knocking one out (6) Five Knuckle Shuffle (6) Badgering the Witness (7) Celebrating Palm Sunday (8) Polish Your Pole (9) Spanking the Monkey (10) Sanding the Banister (11) Conjuring the Spunk Genie (12) Roughing Up the Suspect (13) Burp the Worm (14) Shaking Hands with the Wife's Best Friend (15) Spanking the Spunk Snake (16) Giving the Dolphin a Back Rub (17) Shaking Hands with the Unemployed… 阅读更多内容
Euphemisms 4 Masturbation (Female)
Have any to add? Have a favorite? COMMENT below! (1) Ménage à moi (2) Conducting a Lab Experiment (3) Paddling the pink canoe (4) Polishing the Pearl (5) Dialing the rotary phone (6) Auditioning the finger puppets (7) Womansplaining yourself (8) Engaging in safe sex (9) Getting lost in the deep end (10) Jillin’ off (11) DIY time. (12) Doing a Meg Ryan. (13) Fanning the fur (14) Girls’ night in (15) Checking the undercarriage (16) The downstairs D.J (17) Buttering your muffin (18) Visiting the bat cave (19) Knitting (20)… 阅读更多内容
Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the ratio of men-to-women on this site (although I don't know the actual numbers and if someone has that info, would love for you to comment. UPDATE: See comment below.) Therefore, it's also no surprise that women get way more friend requests and messages than men (maybe also an issue of traditional values at play here: men are supposed to do the pursuing, women are supposed to sit back and wait, or just sit back and spread their legs...be passive, etc. I am not like that at all...but, that's for a different post...)… 阅读更多内容
Euphemisms for Fellatio
Found this list pretty hilarious...What's you're favorite? B.J. Blow Blow Job Blow the Whistle Bone-Lipper Brains Catch It Chew It Cop a Doodle Cop a Stem Drop on It Eat Dick Fluffing Fluting French Job French Way Get a Facial Give Face Give Head Give Pearls Gobble Gobble the Goop Go Down (To Cups) Go Down for a Whomp Go Down On Gum a Root Gunch Head Job Hum a Tune Hum Job Hummer Inhale the Oyster Knob Job Lay Some Lip Mouth Fuck Munch Open Wide for Chunky Pipe Job Piston Job Play a Tune Play the Jade Flute Polish the Chrome Polish the Knob Serve H… 阅读更多内容
Worst pickup (drageur) lines
Worst pickup (drageur) lines (1) hi i am looking for a mom to have mom son role play if u like it please text me (2) cherche femme…pas des critères (3) Hello love, how are you? Interested in some younger meat? (no thanks…I like my meat aged…Kobe/Wagyu beef, perhaps? or, at least with a brain that has some age!) (4) hi Sirene, single mom here, are you into mom son thing? (5) Hello nice video and picture.. you are smart women congratulations :) TBC… 阅读更多内容
The Virgin Awards
Virgin Awards You know who you are…and, if you’re not sure…just ask! (1) First user with whom I did a Video Call (even though it didn’t work…feedback for the XRMXX folks! Improve the cam technology within the site!) (2) First user with whom I did a Video Call (and it worked!) (2) First user with whom I did a Skype mutual masturbation (3) First user from California to message me (4) First user from California to message me with something interesting to say (5) First male user to share his lingerie fetish (wearing) with m… 阅读更多内容
BEST pick-up (drageur) lines
(1) que fait une aussi jolie femme sur un cite comme celui ci? (2) So what is a nice lady like you doing on a site like this? (3) so what is a pretty woman with interests in art and kinda refined doing here sweety? (4) Btw how come a women like (you) is single…? (5) Comment une aussi belle femme vient ici ? TBC… 阅读更多内容
101 BEST first lines
Best opening lines (1) bonsoir madame vous me manquer sans que je vous connais mouahh (2) well ... i just got to your profile and now i'm thinking to myself: how can i impress her? i mean, whatever i say, you've probably heard it a thousand times cause there are other guys too that adore older ladies and have told you all the things they would do to you. so i will just be spontaneous and honestly tell you that i'd really like to get to know you better, see who you are and talk to you just about anything. maybe then some attraction would occur ... maybe you would find me i… 阅读更多内容
101 WORST first lines
(1) slt (Are you fucking k**ding me? The first thing that came to my mind was SLUT! But, of course it’s “salut” en français! So, word to the wise for the francophones among you…’slt’ may not be the best thing to start with for a primarily anglophone woman!) (2) slt cava [Well, we covered the first one in point #1…but, to follow with this just makes me want to open a cold bottle of (Spanish…even Catalan mejor) CAVA!! Of course, the poor pet means: ça va…but, he owns a PC and is too lazy to change the keyboard; or, even worse, owns a mac and just doesn’t know to press dow… 阅读更多内容