
I really hate those people who sends stupid messages ~is my comment on them fuck you are so hot can i fuck you?:) ~stupidest question ever >.> Hello Clara, I'm considering adding you as a friend, but before I do, would you go to my profile and read the blog entery "Can a gentleman make a contact on xhamster?" If you like what you see ask to friend me. ~fuckin retard MY NAME IS ON MY PROFILE LEARN TO READ Thank you,such a horny video.....just need to take a cold shower now..lol ~people get horny, videos dont, learn to intelligent uhmm hi sexy uhmm my cock is already rock… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 13 年 前 2


Dated a guy for like a week. Had sex on his car. He disappears. *sadfaec*… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 13 年 前 6

I back

I wasnt doing anything really. just eating fucking and sleeping :) didnt need porn so i didnt get on aaaaaanyways anything neeeeeeeeew happen with u guys?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 13 年 前 2


I went to Ireland for new years and i changed the location thing in profile settings to say that i was there. When i came back i didn't even remember doing it so i havnt changed it till like 2 minutes ago. ANWYAYS some one saaaaaid "I doubt your from Ireland, using words like, 'soda & candy', no one form Ireland uses those words, it would be , 'Fizzy drinks & sweets', so whats up?, & the doggy story??, ya right!!, your a bloke who prob. just nicked pics of a myspace..." I lived in america for fuckin YEARS. i know some guy who lived in australia for 3 years and when he came back he talked… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 3


LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL Anyways, me, my bestest friend, her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend (thats 4 in case u cant count lol) went to McDonalds in the morning for breakfast. We all got that biiig breakfast with pancakes n orange juice and there was no seats on the first floor so we went up. No one was there except one of those McDonalds cleaning people. So we were eaatin and talkin. laughing at stuff and then my bestest friends boyfriend just pulls his dick out n jerks off. None of us noticed until he was like "UGH!" and he cums all over his hand n part of the table. Me n his friend screeeeee… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 4

Confuzzled 0_o

Sooooooo boys, i gots some questions for u :D What makes u think "i really like that girl" when u see a girl? her looks? Whats the first thing u think when u see a girl u like? Do glasses makes a girl look cuter? Whats ur idea of a "perfect" date? aaaaaaaaand the way i act is like really weird. making corny jokes n shit and mixing up words when i talk, does that like push guys away? n make me seem like a person u wouldnt want as a wifey?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 6


Sooooooo i been gone like 10 days and when i came back n saw like 192478612 people asked to be my friend i was like 0_O but the half of them were people who dont got pictures of them or no pictures at all OR pictures of a tiny little white haired dick which i said i dont want so i was like awwwww :( aaaaand also i was gone cause some creepy old guy wanted to buy art shit from me. so u know, lots of drawing, lots of papers and colorful stuff flying all over the place. anyways, the guy didnt have enough money. he needed to give me like $200 more and he had a cat which had babies :D so i was l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 5

Cherries :(

I still gots mine and i was wondering how it feels for a guy to poke it and how it feels for a girl to get poked :0 Does it hurt? Lots of blooooood? like video games :3? Does it taste like cherries ;D?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 1

NOT sexual stuff so go away pervs!

Hey little monsters :0, yes you guys are my little monsters Anyways if you read that sadfaec post i did u would know i got a ps3 so obviously i like playing games :P so do any of you have... Army of Two: 40th Day + DLC >:D Assassins Creed 2 + DLC >:0 Grand Theft Auto IV Fallout 3 + the DLC :D Modern Warfare 2 Oblivion + the DLC :0 Red Faction Guerrilla + the DLC :0 Resident Evil 5 + DLC :3 The Saboteur + DLC C: I need help finding shit in those games so if anyone of u got those games talk to me. and and aaaaand i if any of you know where the blow up dolls are in mw2 tell… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 4

Relationship Crap

Sooooo me and my BFF decided that it would be nice to date boys for a while. I met a guy by "accidently" dropping my stuff n bendin over to pick it up lol. REALLY REALLY cute and smart and funny and all that good stuff. We talked, got along pretty good. He asked me out for dinner and we talked about like where we work n stuff. He works at a library and a little generic store that sells soda n beer n candy stuff like corner store or what ever u guys call it. So anyways i told him sell drawings and take my clothes off for money. Like once he heard that he just gets up and leaves. He ju… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 7

:( sadfaec!!

Hey guys. my computer got fucked up n i cant even turn it on anymore. right now im usin the web browser on my BFFs ps3 to do this lol. i cant see messages for some fuckin reason so dont think im ignoring u :0 anyways, anyone wanna cum on my pics :)? id love to see it *edit thingy* 10/12 fixed my crappy computer and now i can talk to u smexy boys again and the ladies too :3… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 1

Dogs, YAY!

if ur a little bitch who thinks everything is nasty and dont like b**stiality stuff then dont read this u fuckin sissy! My friend is moving so she gave me her dogs cause her boyfriend is allergic to those thingies. One guy and one girl. Their both hairless ;D anyways right after i got them home the uh boy one jumps on the couch n lies there on his side and the girl kept followin me. it came into the bedroom with me n i was kinda horny so i took out my dildo n then i looked at the dog n she looked at me :3 so i put her on the bed n spread those little legs. dog pussy taste kinda… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 10

Panties, yay!

Any guys ever been to a friends house and went through the friends sister/moms panty drawer? my bff had a friend over yesterday and i was takin a nap on the bed while my bff was in the shower so the guy came in my room while i was sleepin and he looks in my panty drawer, took a thong and smelled it. lol it was kinda funny :D but anyways then he looked at me and smiled n put the thong in his pocket. thank god for long hair, it was coverin my face so he couldnt see that my eyes were open. if he knew i was watching it would have been so fuckin weird lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 5

Indecent Exposure? WTF?!?

I was at a park n u know they got those water fountain-ish things that shoot water eeeeverywhere and i had like a crop top on n booty shorts on. it was hot as fuck so i ran through it and got my clothes wet. i didnt have a bra on and the shirt was sticking to me since it was wet and like you could see my nipples and some cop was bitchin at me about how theres k**s around n its bad to be teachin them about sex n shit n all that dumb stuff but he was being "nice" and decided not to give me a ticket n just told me to leave like srsly? whats wrong with nipples? why do guys get to show… 阅读更多内容

发表者 LilCiara 14 年 前 4