So happy to announce my return to Boston! My 2023 Boston. MA Campus Coxx Tour stop is taking place April 26-29, 2023. Be part of the story, and secure you spot to attend. Tour dates, details, and deadlines are listed at:… 阅读更多内容
Campus Coxx Tour
Hi everyone. Just letting you all know that I am not posting my teaser and trailers for all of my videos on twitter, be sure to add me, CampusCoxx Complete videos will be on onlyfans, campuscoxx, and my blog is campuscoxx .com… 阅读更多内容
Watch me milk dicks
You can now watch my content at the following sites Twitter: @campuscoxx OF: SC: campuscoxxx Blog: See you soon!… 阅读更多内容
2016 Blowjob Marathon Tour Dates, Cum Join The Fun
Ok here are the first dates for my Blowjob Marathon Tour, more cities to cum. Cities and Dates may change based on the Go Fund Me campaign to support this effort. All details are available 2: Phoenix- May 28-31 San Francisco- June 25-28 Las Vegas- July 8-12 Dallas- July 22-26 Denver-August 26-30 NYC- September 23-27 Please help contribute by purchasing clips at my, or donate to, or paypal me direct to Everyone who donates will receive content for the tour, Top contributors w… 阅读更多内容
Up Next....Phoenix, May 27-29 Blowjob Marathon
Up Next………….Phoenix. So I did a quick scouting trip to Phoenix to check out some hotels, and get a feel for the local guys on POF and Tinder. I wanted to see what the potential is, and it looks good. There where some great hotel options to host my Blowjob Marathon at. Its very important to choose the right hotel. I have to be able to get 26 guys in and out without causing a lot of attention and disturbing other guests. So it requires onsite visits, yelp could not help me on this one. So I have it down to my top 3, all at different price levels, so the Go Fund Me funds will dictate which… 阅读更多内容
It's A Wrap
OMG, I had so much fun, I was a little disappointed on the turn out, 20 of the 26 guys I invited came though, all and all it was a good turn out. I had an extremely diverse group of guys come though, 2 MMA Athletes, a few college students, a Irish Man, a Brit, Chic Geek Hipsters, and some Blue Collar Ruff Necks. Some of the guys didn’t want to film, which is fine, due to the fact they fans that have supported my site, so they are the reason I was able to come out to Vegas. Some of the footage with the guys was crap, I didn’t like it so I trashed it. I got about 14 good clips… 阅读更多内容
Getting ready for my April 23-26, Blowjob Marathon
So I am really excited to be going to Las Vegas again for my blowjob marathon! I have a great group of fans for my store that support my trips there. If it was up to them, I would only be going to Vegas. I learned the hard way to be very careful on which hotels I use to do this. The first time I did this I picked a hotel that required me to come down and get the guys after a certain time at night. That was a complete disaster, since I was bringing so many guys up, hotel security thought I was a hooker, and gave me a really hard time. So now I know to book hotels that do not r… 阅读更多内容
Grapefruit Blowjob
January 6, 2016: Ok so I had tired out the G****fruit Blowjob Technique a few months ago, and decided to include it as part of my first Blowjob Sessions of the New Year. I had 3 guys in mind that I wanted to try it out on. It takes a few to get into the groove, by the last guy I would be an expert at it again. The first guy that I had come though was a sexy southern gentleman from Tennessee, he’s 5’11”, nice slim body, cut cock about 7” and an amazing personality. I had met him on tinder over a year ago, and he stops by every now and then. If you ever watch the ABC Network show… 阅读更多内容
Giving the Blogging Thing A Try!
I am so excited for the new year, and for the new encounters I have yet to make. This year I decided to blog about my experiences both leading up to and after each encounter. First and foremost, I have never blogged b4, this is a first for me, so its gonna start off rocky, but in time, I am sure I will become a better storyteller. All my blog post will be 100% real, with uploaded vids to support them, either on here, or on my snapchat. I think there is something very exciting about inviting random men over so I can suck their dick, film it, and share it with the world. The b… 阅读更多内容