A poem to a man I once loved

I loved Jason! He was my other half at that time, though a man and a man, a taboo relationship, it worked for 6 months and it was a thrill, an adventure of untold sights to behold. Dedicated this post card to him. (Self made from scratch)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nagatoX 10 年 前 1

One Day...

A glimmering last sight... One day when I looked on the horizon I saw a future together, How I wanted to grasp that day, when our dreams came true. I knew I wasn't perfect but you said you'd accept me for me, Knowingly you took my hand and gave me a connection, Now life began anew, yet how did things fare in our minds? One step at a time, we threaded and we became as one. Waiting by the door, I clench the key to enter without fear. Lies and petty mistakes put stones in our paths, Oh how much they hurt, so much pain they cause, Violet skies fill the horizon with a glare of nosta… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nagatoX 10 年 前