At night I would go to truck stops wearing my pink panties under my jeans, with Beth's perfume on. I had prepared my ass for men to use me. I was hungry for cock. Anything these men wanted I did. After I was used by the truckers, I would be driving home. My ass would be throbbing, the taste of cum in my mouth, my lips swollen, the aroma of their sweaty bodies engulfing my senses, their words still ringing in my ears..."faggot" "cocksucker." My own words still ringing in my ears, "Fuck me, fuck me." When I arrive home Beth would be in bed with a man, sometimes 2. I would wait in the family roo… 阅读更多内容
First trans experience
The first time I experienced the joy of being with a trans woman sealed my fate. It was falls and I found an ad in the personal section of a local publication. You know the ones with all the x rated ads. Anyway, I remember having to connect by leaving a phone message. Seems so archaic now, but so we’re the early days as the internet started to take off. After making some loose arrangements we decided to meet one Saturday. I drove about an hour flip flopping from total excitement to complete nervousness. Thankfully, I didn’t turn around because I knew this was something I needed to experience.… 阅读更多内容
I recently came across men being fucked with a strapon by women. I never gave this any thought until I saw it. It seems like both man and woman are enjoying this. So I gotta ask. Is this what you guys like? Ladies, have you or do you fuck your man with a strapon? Is it gay for a man to do this? Does this mean that he has gay tendencies if he enjoys this? I just really want to know. I watched a few of these videos and found them kinda exciting. Something new and different (for me).… 阅读更多内容
So after I arrived home quite frustrated (since my husband was successful in cheating first), I went into the garden and drank the rest from my 4th beer can. That's when I discovered our neighbor and long-time friend in the garden. I asked him if he would have a beer with me and he came over. We opened our beer cans and talked about trivial things. He is a very nice guy, a real cuddly bear, weighs about 145 at 5’9 height and is actually not my type at all. I had also emptied my beer very quickly and after 5 halves I was now clearly light headed. He probably noticed that I was a bit mad at my h… 阅读更多内容
Love Sissies
I love to play with other sissies so if you're out there, come find me!… 阅读更多内容
I get used in Collage.
I had just started my sophomore year in collage ,I had known way back in high school that i was attracted to guys ,I had been with four different guys before I went to collage .when I started in an upstate NY collage I found it easier to find guys to play with since I had nobody looking over my shoulder .I got my share of cock that year then after Christmas break I found a girl who would date me and i stopped with guys and thought it was all behind me .Well we broke up over the summer and try as I might I couldn't find another girl to date. When I got back to school the next year I was still… 阅读更多内容
How to fuck a CD/tyranny - What Gives the Pleasure
How to fuck a CD/tyranny - What Gives the Pleasure? For a CD/tyranny the pleasure comes in two forms, the emotional and physical. Emotionally a CD/tyranny enjoys having a man treat her like a woman - and having sex and penetrating her is the ultimate expression of that for many CD/tyranny's. Physically they enjoy anal sex for the same reason gay men do and most women don't. People who were born as men have a prostate gland which is right next to the anal channel. When they receive anal sex, this gland is stimulated by the rubbing and causes the pleasure and ultimately the ejaculation.… 阅读更多内容
A Hotwife In The Making...
Ashley has always been an amazingly sexy woman and my best friend. It was a given that we would be together as a married couple. I would really enjoy the fact that on a night out in a club, Ashley would get a lot of attention and I would have no issue watching her dance with her friends and sometimes even other guys when I took a break from the dancefloor to enjoy her sexy moves. There was something about watching another guy chat her up not realising I was watching. It was always a huge turn on for me and I could always see Ashley become embarrassed and shy and then leave the dance floor… 阅读更多内容
confession time: Fucklicking
I started practicing the act of "fucklicking" long before I even knew there was a term for it. It started with a dildo that I purchased at a local ABS. It was one that resembled a white cock, a little longer than my own dick and fatter. I don't know what motivated me to buy it. It may have been a buried homosexual tendency even though I had no plans to stick it up my ass. I wanted to pleasure my wife with it while I was eating her out. She loved for me to give her oral and told me that I had mad skills at doing it. I'd do it for so long that my tongue would get cramped up and I'd have to take… 阅读更多内容
MM Curious Hubby Loves Cock
"Okay hun, I'll call you on Friday when I'm on my way back." I said to my wife. "Okay, see you then, love you." She replied in a soft voice. "I love you too." I replied and put the phone down. I walked to the reception of the dingy hotel my work had set up with for my meeting. It was usual for the company to get the cheapest one as possible and this was just that. "Hello." The female receptionist said behind the beaten up desk. "Hi, my names Mike Doyle, I should have a room?" I asked her. "Of course," She replied and went into the drawer, "Room 12." "Thanks." I replied and took the key.… 阅读更多内容
MM Girlfriend Locked me into This!
How had I landed myself in this predicament? I was horny, that's how. I was horny and young and good looking and just happened to cross the wrong, kinky girl at the wrong time. Don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing. I had met Sarah on a hookup app and we quickly hit it off and jumped into bed. She was the first woman I'd ever met who had a slightly dominant streak. She loved to break out the handcuffs, the ropes, the ball gags. She was absolutely wild. Often times, it was too much for me to even handle! I was a pretty normal, vanilla guy, after all. But it had been several months since I… 阅读更多内容
MF MM Wife Gets Hubby to Suck Cock
I was a happily married 25-year-old guy living in a Monterey loft apartment with my wife of two years. Madison was a couple of years younger than I and we were enjoying all the pleasures that come with a young relationship. I worked in finance and she was just starting out at a local hospital while part-time bartending a couple of times a week to supplement. The sex was constant and passionate and kinky. We had discovered early on that we were both very sexual people, and for that matter, very sex positive people as well. We spent long hours at home exploring each other's bodies and diving… 阅读更多内容
********************************************* Dip by D FF I guess something made me really look at her, that morning. Cynthia, my new sister-in-law, my husband Greg's sister. She was staying with us, visiting, for the first time since Greg and I were married, and Greg was off at work and Cynthia had just come down for breakfast. I looked at her, and realized I hadn't really payed much attention, but that she reminded me of Greg in a lot of ways. They had the same eyes, and though her hair was lighter, their faces were similar, and even their build: both were about 5'8" and rather slender.… 阅读更多内容
MM His Bitch
I had been going to the local YMCA after work for about a week now, I was trying to bulk up a little bit to impress my girlfriend. I'm a pretty slim guy at 6 feet, and 150 lbs. I certainly wasn't in bad shape at all, I just wanted to get a little bigger and tone up a bit. I had always known I was an attractive guy, and many people had also said as much, but despite that I had very little luck with women. Erin was my first long-term girlfriend, and accounted for all of my sexual experience to this point. I was 20 years old now, and had been dating Erin for 3 years, we got together towards the… 阅读更多内容
MM Bi FM Secret Service 1-10
My Secret Service By Harrison Conway I met Jim and Jen when I moved to the neighborhood three years ago after my first novel was purchased by a major publisher. Jim, a financial planner, helped me set up investments for most of my money and Jen took me under her wing in setting up my house, the first "real" home I'd had since my divorce a few years earlier. We became fast friends. Since Jen didn't work, and I worked from home, one of us would often stop by the other's house for a cup of coffee during the day. Jim and I shared a love of sports, especially college football, so we had subjects t… 阅读更多内容
Share your first bottoming experiences
my first time: i was 23 and i had sex with a guy i met on tinder, we met in public then i went to his place and first i gave him a blowjob and then i got fully naked and he fingered my ass and at first it wasn't fun at all and then he lubed my ass hole with water based lube and then he kept touching my asshole with his dick,and then he slowly pushed his dick in my asshole and it hurt so badly and i was right about to say stop im not gonna do it and then all of a sudden his dick went in my asshole balls deep and the pain turned into pleasure right away, it was still painful but as he w… 阅读更多内容
My Best Friend & His Wife Turn Me Into Their B
I've know Dan and Linda for almost fifteen years. Dan moved to my hometown right out of college going to work for a local textile firm when things were still profitable for that industry. Dan was in sales and his gorgeous wife Linda worked as a legal secretary for a fairly large legal firm. I had just married Karen, a girl I started dating in college, when I met the two. Dan and I met through mutual friends attending a Falcons football game and really hit it off. It wasn't long before the four of us were seeing quite a bit of each other. The women would plan weekends at a restaurant or a nigh… 阅读更多内容
Workplace Lust - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 You immediately stop stroking your cock, still slick from your cum when you prematurely ejaculated in your slacks only seconds ago, but it’s too late. You only make things worse as you uselessly try to stop the cum from spurting out of your throbbing cock. Your cum goes everywhere, on your hands, it drips down your pants, and incredibly, some hits the wall from the force of your orgasm rushing through your cock, as well as the rest of your body. Your breath is heavy, gasping to get more oxygen from the force of your orgasm. Your legs start to shake, your knees begin to wobble, and yo… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor Boy. Part 2.
When I opened my eyes late Saturday morning, I could already feel how hot it was. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window and I could tell it was shaping up to be a perfect, albeit hot, summer day. I rolled over to check my phone and was excited to see I had a few new text messages. The first was from my girlfriend, complaining about being trapped in the house with her parents back in Ohio. I wrote her back, joking about how much I was enjoying having the house to myself as my parents were spending the summer up north at their lake house. We messaged back and forth for a bit and… 阅读更多内容
Neighbor Boy.
I was 19 the summer after my freshman year of college. With the dorm closing at the end of the school year and my girlfriend spending the summer with her parents in Ohio, I had no option but to move back in with my parents. It wasn’t all that bad, my dad and mom were retired and spent most of the summer at their lake house up north and I was tasked with keeping an eye on the house, maintaining the yard and looking for a summer job. Not a bad deal all in all, mowing the lawn once a week in exchange for the opportunity to spend my days sleeping until noon, smoking weed and playing PlayStation al… 阅读更多内容
Straight Men Who Worry About Attraction 2 sissies
S If you consider yourself straight but you find yourself attracted to femboys, sissies, trans women, crossdresser, drag queens, etc. and you are feeling confused or ashamed, I’m here to tell you that there is no problem with your sexuality at all. You may feel confused because you will begin to wonder if having these feelings means you are gay. If you fuck a sissy, you’re not gay. Sissies take it like girls Sissies moan like bitches A sissy will show up wearing an off-shoulder blouse And a skirt up to her panties She will do this for one reason and one reason only.. To take your cock. Ove… 阅读更多内容
Distinctions between TV & TS
DISTINCTIONS Wrote the following after reading the above blog where it makes a distinction between shemales (TS) and CD's (TV). I think I know the distinction you are trying to make and I agree. Shemales or transsexuals (TS) become almost more like girls than transvestites (TV) cross gurls do. The latter tend to stay always horny like guys, whereas the former tend not to be as slutty, as real girls also, generally speaking (there certainly are exceptions across every spectrum and gender!) don't either. To tell how I also came to this conclusion, I have to… 阅读更多内容
CDs or Transexuals- CDs almost always mean it
So I have been obsessing over being a dirty little whore over the past month or so. I’ve met and played with a bunch of guys who were all ‘into’ TGurls and some were specifically into Cross Gurls, vs. Transexuals. Believe it or not, I actually spoke to them after their dick was done in my mouth or they had layed all the pipe in me they were gonna do right then, and I learned something. Some guys have noticed what I have known all along. CDs or Transvestites- T-Gurls are nearly ALWAYS obsessed with being dirty sluts who will do almost any sexual thing. I’ve always known that was true of… 阅读更多内容
young teen
when I was twelve, I had to attend catechism classes at my church. A classmate from school also attended so we would travel together. Sometimes by bike or walking. One day on the way home we stopped at a small pond that was located down an embankment. We were just fooling around, throwing stuff in the water. My friend who was quite a ways away from me when I noticed he had taken out his cock and started yanking it. I was horrified and mesmerized at the site of his big dick. Much larger than mine. Never saw one so big. As I stared at him, he told me to come over to him. Stay away I told him! Th… 阅读更多内容
Married But Now I Suck Cock!
So lets start from the beginning: I've been married for 12 years. Don't get me wrong: i love Bridget. We have our ups and downs, like every couple. But I do love her. However, sex life isn't what it used to be. And for about a year now, I have been having these recurring cravings to be with men. I don't know where this comes from, or if it will go away. But it's there. So to deal with these strong desires, I started watching gay porn. Most videos would involve a guy being fucked hard by a strong top. Others would feature guys being transformed into perfect sissies or sluts. All of those had o… 阅读更多内容
Cum Loving Husband
My wife loves to feed me cum out of her pussy or ass. I love to suck her clean. But lately she has been making me suck her boyfriend's cock till he cums in my mouth. She puts lipstick on my lips and feeds me his cock. She says it makes her real horny to see me suck a cock One day she brought home a friend of hers from work a long legged blonde with big tits. Well, there I was hoping to get to suck her pussy or ass. My wife made me strip and masturbate in front of her till I got real hard. Then she had her put 3 fingers in my ass I almost cum all over my self. Well she finally stopped probing… 阅读更多内容
My friend Tiff
I had met Tiff at a club a couple years before, We had both been drooling over the same hot guy ,we knew we didn’t really have a chance at. After he had left we started talking, gossiping really, about the girl that he had left with. Tiff got pretty drunk. I don’t know why, but for some reason I would have felt terrible if I’d just left her at the club, she might have driven herself home- last thing I wanted was to read about a drunk driver hitting a tree and killing herself in the morning edition of the newspaper. Instead I got her to come to my house. She trusted me, not that I wasn’t one t… 阅读更多内容
"My Bra and Panties are Missing!" by blu
“My Bra and Panties are Missing!” I’m Jan, and my favorite low cut sexy bra, and sexy panties both were missing. I wondered if my mom found them and chucked them out? I told my boyfriend Trav of the mystery. He checked his car and….nothing. It nagged at me how could this be? That night we were watching porn in my room and he was flipping around porn pictures and stopped at a site to view some. It was young guys cross dressing. We giggled at some of the guys wearing women’s clothes. We clicked around and that’s when I saw them. The same bra and panties I couldn’t find. I stopped and carefu… 阅读更多内容
Faggot Roommate Sloppy Seconds
The text from my roommate was only two words: “Grindr 8pm”. I knew what that meant and headed back to the apartment right away, my cock immediately swelling in my pants from anticipation. I arrived just after eight and quietly entered the front door. I was greeted by the sounds of fucking from my roommate’s bedroom; the rhythmic wet slapping sound meant he was taking cock up his ass doggy style. I stripped off my clothes and went to the couch in the living room to jack off while I listened to the moaning and grunting of the two faggots fucking in the room beside me. The deal I had with my roo… 阅读更多内容