9 Sex positions for sissies Usually most common position is doggy style among all girly girls. However there are more than one position to feel yourself in feminine manner. Variety is always sexy so try to change your pose whether you are alone with your toys or with you manfriend 1) The traditional missionary Although the missionary position is widely regarded as the big grey pants of sexual positions, it’s still the most popular, and it’s easy to see why: it allows for close body contact and eye contact with kissing and talking throughout. There’s very little the sissy can do… 阅读更多内容
Sissy Test
This is a simple fun test to see if you are a sissy slut. Simply answer yes or no add the points and find out your final score. 1. Have you ever tried on panties ? (1point) 2. If you answered yes to question 1 did you get a hardon? (1point) 3. Is your cock less than 6 inches hard ? (1point) 4. Did you start watching shemale porn because regular porn wasn't doing it for you any more ? (1point) 5. If answered yes to question 4 did shemale porn lead you to crossdressing and sissy boi porn ? (1point) 6. Have you found your mum/sisters dildo collection (1point) 7. If an… 阅读更多内容