From my friend Video made by tryth_I_s thank you buddy <3… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RedBlonde 9 年 前 2


Who I am? A normal girl. There's nothing special at me,I am just a other shadow on this huge planet. I don't even know what I should write...I know most of you would like to know about SEXY things.Talking about that...I am more this kind of girl阅读更多内容

发表者 RedBlonde 9 年 前 9

cute stuffs recived from my hunny bunnies

anonymus The night goes into morning, just another day. Happy people pass my way, Looking in their eyes I see a memory I never realized How happy you make me, oh Lala You came and you gave without taking on a sensitive way, oh Lala Well you hold me and stopped me from shaking And I need you every day, Lala from nate xD The sun glows bright, every single day the moon glows radiant all night but you, you're ten times as bright and ten times as radiant as both but you shimmer in my heart for my heart is cold and dark and you are the one source of light it has for you are… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RedBlonde 9 年 前 5

less it's better then nothing :O I go...sharing a bit of my heart... I'm just a normal real and also on here,i mean it,i am a human and not a marrionete. In general i do enjoy to please others but please understand that i have my limits and if u don't at least ,show me some respect and some manners ,nothing will work between. If u get to know me much better u will see that are few things i do really hate,because i cant pass thru them even in real life :lies and being betrayed are my fears and that will really get me bitchy. I know that my job involve lots of things ...i know i may not… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RedBlonde 9 年 前 24
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