
Is it just me, or are other long time members finding more and more negativity on XH over the past several months? Things such as negative posts in regards to videos and pics. And then, a certain level of the lack of civility. And it appears jealousy in some ways is at a higher level than usual. Perhaps if you have nothing positive to say, just say nothing at all. Just pondering. Looking for input.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 1 月 前 18

Friends List

I recently became aware of the quantity of XH Friends that I have accumulated over the years. I am going to slowly go through my list of friends. If we have not communicated recently, I am going to simply delete them. There truly is no reason to remain friends without communication.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 7 月 前 17

New Procedure

I have enjoyed my many years on this Site. I have tried to be a productive Site Member through those years. If a member sent me a friendship request or private message, I have always tried to find the time to respond to them. Even if it was from a Site Member with 1,000 days on the Site and zero sharing. However, over the past few months in my view this has become a significant issue for me. I am spending more and more time replying to members that are either fake or just want to take and never want to share. As such, I am being forced to take a modified approach. If you send me a friends requ… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 1 年 前 18

A Few Abbreviations

From time to time, several Site Members have asked me for clarifications regarding several abbreviations that I use at times when commenting on various videos or photos, so here are a few explained: 1-BJ= Of course referring to a Blow Job 2-CIM= Cum In The Mouth Finish 3- BJTCIM= Blow Job To A Cum In The Mouth Finish 4-BJCIMNQNS-Blow Job To A Cum In The Mouth Finish No Quit No Spit (in other words swallow the cum) 5-BJCIMWS= Blow Job With Cum In The Mouth But Spit Out The Cum 6-Seed=A Mans Cum 7-DATY=Dinning At The Y (Eating Pussy) 8-HJ=Hand Job 9-CS=Cum Shot 10-OCP- Oral Cream Pie. 11-******… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 1 年 前 11

One Of My Favorites

This is a Post for the most part for the guys, however the ladies should feel free to chime in if you wish to. Basically, it involves something that I have been very much into throughout many years. It first started, just shy of 50 years ago. It basically involves a combo of rimming and blow jobs. I am most times on my back. However, at times, I might start on all fours. It involves several ladies through the years that were very good at rimming. They provide me great pleasure with their fingers and tongues (one even gently was known for her soft blowing) to the area of my asshole. Some also r… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 1 年 前 7


Is it just me, or has the quantity of spammers really increased drastically? Seldom does a day go by without some idiotic spammer sending me a message with a link to click on or a group to join. Also, friends requests from people with zero shared content. Just very annoying to me. Your thoughts?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 RoosterC74 2 年 前 10