Here are 5 tips for no strings attached dating. Dating is hard enough as it is. Dating with no strings attached is even more difficult. To make an attempt at dating with no strings attached, you have to ignore and or suppress certain natural human urges. You have to keep yourself from getting to know too much about her. You can't allow her to find out too much about you. You have to make a real effort to keep those strings from attaching. And those emotional strings are the hardest to keep from attaching. If you want to learn how to date without any strings attached, this is how yo… 阅读更多内容
Just lovin that pussy!
I think she is tooo! wE BOTH LEARNIN EACH OTHER GREATTTTT! pornstar material??? Yeah!!!!!!… 阅读更多内容
12 年 前
For my first post
.......4 my first post here, i guess i gotta ask...why dont you ladys put aa pic in your profile....and also Anyone close to salina thats a lil playful :) Hit me up,..we r all here for the same reasons!… 阅读更多内容
12 年 前