Laugh Your Ass Off!

I came home drunk one night carrying a big trophy. My wife said, “Where did you get that?” “I won the big dick contest down at the bar!” She said, “You didn’t take that ghastly thing in public, did you?” “No, only enough to win!” I was making love to my wife one night and I would stroke real fast for a few seconds then freeze! Stroke real fast and freeze! Stroke real fast and freeze! She said, “Where the hell did you learn that?” “I learned it on the internet- it’s called Buffering!” A shy, timid accountant was sentenced to time in prison for filing false tax returns. They put him in a cell… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Eddie38478 4 年 前 35

How to: Cum collecting

I frequently get asked about how I save up my cum, so I figured I'd write some instructions. The most important things you'll need are an airtight container, a freezer, fridge, and patience. This method has worked well for me but that doesn't mean it will work for you. As any good slut knows, each man's cum is different. And to take things further, most peoples fridges and freezers are different as well. You may need to make adjustments. I would suggest starting out small, no more than a month, and work your way up to larger quantities. It took me a few tries to get my techniques down, an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cumcovered_xdresser 8 年 前 37

The "How To" of good anal sex

I have been asked many times now, after posting our first videos, of the way to go about getting that much pleasure and duration from anal sex. So I thought that a blog, detailing procedures and processes that work for myself and Meg, might be of interest to the community in general. It would also be a great spot for people to ask questions and have us answer them openly and honestly from the point of view of someone who has been doing this for decades, myself, and someone who has been recently introduced to the anal pleasures, amongst other pleasures, Meg. Fisting, especially being fisted,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MikeAnalExtreme69 6 年 前 26

From Meg - A Fisters viewpoint

Hello Friends, As you have read, Mike has given a detailed insight into Handballing, commonly known as 'Fisting" noting the proper and the safety aspects.. I wanted to express my side of fisting as a "beginner' and share my experience with you all. I had not experienced hand balling until I met up with Mike, 3 years ago and knew very little of the way it was done and the arousing pleasure it gives, both to you and your partner.. We had many conversations about it, and Mike gave me a book to read about the process etc, so me being fascinated and eagerly wanting to try, we went ahead. Mike… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MikeAnalExtreme69 6 年 前 29

My first experience shaped my tastes forever

I was 14 years old but always looked older for my age. most people thought I was 17 at the time. Every Sunday my father would hang out at the local bar, owned by his uncle. I was bored in the bar so I walked around outside and found a kitten. There were a series of empty sheds behind the bar and I took the kitten back there to be away from the road. While I was there, HE approached. He was so incredibly hot I was dumbstruck! He was about 6'2", naturally muscled from his work, dark hair, mustache and beard and intense eyes. He was smoking a cigarette. He was probably in his early 30s.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tboy143 8 年 前 27

Xhamster SelfSuck Member List (aka autofellatio)

Here is a list of members that can SelfSuck (men who can suck on their own cock and balls). Some members can only get the tip in and others can deepthroat and suck their balls. There are many that are straight and gay and I'm guessing many are Bi. I made this list for the interested Women (selfish me) and guys out their and to connect us SelfSuckers. Feel free to ask us questions and leave comments :) If I forgot anyone you know from this list then let me know My snapchat is "tallnexotic" add me :) women and other selfsuckers List updated 30/01/2021 :)) 1.阅读更多内容

发表者 Loganlong 11 年 前 161

Blowjob in Tesco Carpark

I was out shopping in Tesco, I was in tight jeans, top and coat as it was quite cold and high heeled boots. I was in the pop isle looking for what my k**s needed in their packed lunch and a guy passing me noticed me and said 'Hi' as if he knew me. I dint know him and guessed I had forgot, he talked a bit, 'how are you' etc... then his face changed, he looked me up and down and the penny dropped, she went red and I realised he wasn't someone I had met before but he has seen me online. Realising that this man in front of me had seen me naked and had wanked over my photos made me very freak… 阅读更多内容

发表者 littlevixen 8 年 前 49

another time

we met again a couple of days later i was getting off work again and we had planned on meeting, as i was driving i text him and told him i was close to his house, we had been sexting all day so i told him jokingly to be naked and lying on his bed, when i got to his house i knocked and said come on in and low and behold there he was naked and lying spread eagle on his bed, this being only our third meeting to say the least i was suprised and totally excited, nervously we made small talk as i stripped, i then sat on the edge of his bed and boy was i nervous but i began to rub his legs working up… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tapper11 8 年 前 7

the next day

well the next day finally arrived, it was a long nervous night waiting for it to get here, and to top it off i had to work. we kept in touch all through the day and work finally ended, i didnt know where he lived so he agreed to meet me at a little store by his house, i showed up and there he was standing there waiting, he got in my truck and we exchanged pleasantries, man was i nervous as we began to head to his house he reached over and lightly caressed my arm, and boy did my cock jump in my pants lol, we arrived at his house a few minutes later and went inside i was shaking so bad i was so… 阅读更多内容

发表者 tapper11 8 年 前 11