
i reached 27 pages of favorites today. i decided it would be a good time to clean out the deleted videos. now i'm down to 21.5 pages. that's a lot of deletions. lame.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 smartham2002 10 年 前 1

Deleted vids.

Holy crap, I never realized what a pain in the ass the userbase must be. I cannot believe that over 50% of the things I"ve uploaded gets deleted for no reason, including BS copyright complaints which cannot exist because its wholly user created. I haven't uploaded in over a month, I think, because I got fed up. We'll see how bad this latest batch of files goes, but if people are gonna act like that, I'm just gonna password everything, anyways.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 smartham2002 12 年 前 5

people are funny.

i have to laugh at dudes who pretend to be hot chicks or post a singular image of a giant dick and suggest its theirs. I'd swear the Internet was filled with huge cocked pornstars and ultra hot babes desperate for them. But I'm pretty sure you're all old fat slobs like me. (full disclosure: i am not entirely old or fat, but i am a slob)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 smartham2002 12 年 前

no avatar.

and now i understand why no one accepted friend requests. jesus.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 smartham2002 12 年 前
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