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If you do not want to chat or talk about anything do not add me because I am not here to just get numbers or collecting friends
I am a Poet/Lyricist trying to do whatever I can to get Published or Established in the Field of Writing or Music
Like Writing Poems and Talking if you would like a personalized Poem just message me and It will be done no Worries. If you like to talk about anything and everything under the sun always available.
If you do not want to chat or talk about anything do not add me because I am not here to just get numbers or collecting friends
I am a Poet/Lyricist trying to do whatever I can to get Published or Established in the Field of Writing or Music
Like Writing Poems and Talking if you would like a personalized Poem just message me and It will be done no Worries. If you like to talk about anything and everything under the sun always available.
It was Midnight the Moon and Stars were dancing high above
We were down by the Lake listen to the song of the Waves
I looked into her Eyes and I was Ignited
Her Skin was Shining in the Moonlit Night
I took her hand and I held it close
When Something happened quite strange
When we started to share a Kiss
She started exploring Me with her hand
My Shaft Jumped at her Command
I reached into her Braless Dress and Felt her Mountains and her peaks
She opened up my zipper and my Shaft started Dancing upon her command with each touch of her sweet tender hand
I felt her legs I felt her thighs
I felt inside them as well I then found a garden she had no panties on
Her Garden was full and As I continued
Her Valley was now wet and warm
Her Cave was Tight and the Excitement had me soaring beyond the stars
All at once I felt something Warm and Wet upon my swollen Rod it was her mouth and with her hand she was playing with my bag and my marbles
I started down between her thighs to bring her joy from within
Her cave was now Pouring out a juice as I captured with my mouth her berry was setting pace with Nectar and my Rod was now engulfed in her mouth
as we explored each other as we danced with our tongues the Night became our mystery
And our Dream had just begun
As I danced with my tongue and my Fingers were exploring her caves
I just had to wait till I exploded into her Sweet warm Mouth
I could not hold back and I screamed with delight
As she screamed for more
we were both Exploding like Giant Waterfalls
From her Cave from my Shaft
Our Juice Poured into each other
I can not wait till tomorrow Night
When My Shaft discovers her Tight Wet hot moist cave and her Sweet Back Door
She said we should Free ourselves and just let the Night take the Course
(Tony Kenyon2011)
I Shot the Rabbit but I did not Shoot Ole Santa Clause
He came Bouncing down the Street had the Basket of Sweets
Did not Stop at my House So I Grabbed up my Mouser and Shot
He was always Messing With me
Had to show him who was boss
So I stepped out in the street
Had my Musket Filled of Course
I shot the Rabbit But I did not Shoot Ole Santa Clause
I Shot the Rabbit But I did not Shoot Ole Santa Clause
When they Put me in the Car and they Took me away
The Judge and the Jury Cried it was all Fowl Play
Then I Took the Stand in my Defense
and I claimed Pure Innocence
For I Shot the Rabbit because he gave me no treats
I shot the Rabbit and Made Four lucky Rabbits Feet
I shot the Rabbit but I did not Shoot ole Santa Clause
I shot the Rabbit Wait for Christmas and then see what I Does
(Tony Kenyon2011)
I can Spread my Wings and Soar
I can Dance neath the Moon and Stars
No one can Contol me anymore
I have my Pride Stand Strong and Tall
No one will Hold me Back Again
I Will Sail Wild and Free with the Wind
I can Spread my Wings upon the Dreams that Tomorrow Gives To Me
I can Soar like the Eagle
Dance with the Wolves
And No one Can Clip these Wings
No one will Tie me or Bind my Heart again
I am Free and Wild Standing Proud from Within
I can Soar beyond the Stars
I own my World and no one is gonna tear that Apart
I can Sing with a Heart filled of Love
I can Soar with Wings Unfurled
I can Dance with the Moon and Stars Above
Tomorrow is my World of Desire and Dreams
I have a Spirit that is Wild and Free
(Tony Kenyon2011)
Can't You See Me For Who I Am
I am not invisible or at your command
I am someone with a Heart and Soul
I do not need to be Controled or Owned
Can't You Hear my Song Can't you Hear my Voice
I am not to be Used or Thrown away
I am a Person I have Dreams
So Why Can you not See that Part of Me
I have Tears that Fall I do feel Pain
Why do you treat me in this Way
I am not a Tree I am not a Rock
I can Break when I am ABUSED
So Why can You not See I am not here to be Used
I have a Heart filled with Love
I have dreams to Soar
Yet you want to Clip my Wings
And hold me with your Chains
I am Real not a Toy When I am Broken
I can not Be Replaced
These Parts are Real and can you not See
My Heart My Soul or my Dreams
I want to Shine like the Stars above
I want to share in Peace and Love
But Yet you want to Destroy who I am
You seem to want to control so I can not stand
I have a Voice Proud Strong and Proud
But the Pain I Feel The Tears that Fall
Seem to Be What You want to Control
I need to Soar with the Eagles above
I need to Stand Tall with Pride
I am a Person and Will Not Be Bound
I Will Take Command of My Body and Life
And I Will again Shine out With Pride
(Tony Kenyon2011)
Men make up these Wars and they use Many types of Bombs
They do not even try to think what Destruction they Bring About
They want to Own what is not Theirs
They all want to Be the King
Yet the Lives of the Innocent pay the Price
No one seems to understand or has a reason as to why
It is not Fair to us who want Peace and Harmony
For All Nations in the World to Live the True Given Dream
And Yet there are Those who Want to Rule
They are the Ones who are Destroying what once was Good and Pure
They do not heed the Warnings that many have Foretold before they want to own this Ground and the World
Yet Nature does have it's way of Fighting Back
And we are the ones who are Feeling it
Loss of Families Loss of Friends
All because someone wants what is not theirs
All because Someone does not want to share
If we Gave with our Hearts If we Showed we cared
Stop the Wars Stop the Hate Give the Dream of Peace a Chance Bring all Nations Together
Let us Truly Live as One Freedom for All Nations Let the Dream of Love Shine Through
Let all Hearts Sing with Peace and Love
Stop the Destruction of the World Now
(Tony Kenyon2011)