Very touchy subject, and very complex, The purpose of the most to be in the internet is to get away from Reality. When they are in the network, they can be anyone that they Wished they were, an ideal form of being they find appealing. This is called a "Persona" With this persona, they feel more comfortable interacting with others, They have confidence, and feel better than their awkward selves. It is a moral dillema, some dont mind talking to the person provided That no deception is involved. This is called "Role Play". Others feel it is lying, and dishonest. There are many bound… 阅读更多内容
A few thoughts on identity
Yesterday, I found myself 'in conversation' with someone who'd left a comment regarding one of my videos. Trouble is, she's been accused by several other Xhamster members of being a fake profile, so - in the spirit of offering a fair hearing - I sent a private message. Curiously, 'she' didn't really respond to that charge and was more interested in explaining how excited she was to have been contacted by me. Had I any lingering doubt as to the truth of the matter, my suspicions were rapidly confirmed when I discovered a further three near-identical users had left comments on other of my videos… 阅读更多内容
A few thoughts on respect
One of the most curious aspects in the behaviour of certain male members here is the casual manner with which they use words such as "slut", "bitch" and "whore" when referring to their female colleagues, as though totally divorced from the wider social dimension. It is almost as though they were abandoned as infants in a distant forest and left to grow up without any grasp of the consequences of their own vocabulary or ideology. I've written before about the fact that, despite this being a site dedicated to pornography, we must not turn a blind eye to anyone treating other members here with… 阅读更多内容
Index of models' initials
It's a safe habit, when writing comments, to refers to models by their initials instead of their full name, lest the vid get identified and then deleted. But of course, sometimes it may be quite puzzling to find out who's talked about in the comments. So I've started to build an index of models' initials, thinking it might be useful. It's not complete (will it ever be?) and if you notice missing models, please notify in the comments, I'll update the page. About the duplicates. As you can see, there are many two-letters homonyms; perhaps we should work out a way to disambiguate them.… 阅读更多内容
Real Names of a Porn Star
This isn't a complete list once more information comes in, I'll add more to it. Porn Stars Şahin K - Şahin K Aaron Lawrence - Aaron Lawrence Abbie Lee - Toni Champa Adriana Sage - Alaura Tamis Ai Iijima - Mitsuko Ishii Aika Miura - Yuu Hasegawa Aja - Barbara Holder Akshay daniell - James daniell Alana Evans - Dawn Marie Thompson Alaura Eden - Staci Nakabe Aletta Ocean - Dóra Varga Alex Jordan - Karen Elizabeth Mereness Alex Taylor - Adriana Molinari Alexa Rae - Mary Sharpton Alexander Brent - Brent McCourtie Alexandra Nice - Aleksandra Groth Alexandra Quinn - Diane Purdie… 阅读更多内容