Sarahs ruin pt I

As Sarah drifted off to sleep, she felt contented. She had spent all day hanging out with her school friends. It was the summer before they would all leave for college – only a few weeks left to go. It was warm this summer, so she slept outside her sheets, in an old t-shirt and some pyjama bottoms. Another leftover from her c***dhood, she mused. She wondered what she was supposed to sleep in now that she was an adult. With her toys around her, in her parents house she felt safe, for a few more weeks until she heading out into the world. She closed her eyes, and sighed. She woke to darkness,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Exposure_is_Fun 3 年 前

Want me to expose you, your wife girlfriend etc ?

Want to be famous? want to be a webwhore? Want to expose someone you know? I can help expose you like I have helped thousands of others over the years. If I like your photos I can make expose you so that people can admire you for years to come. PM me any details or photos you want me to expose etc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 expose_whores 5 年 前 6