With this http://www.tineye.com/ It's a reverse image search plug-in for your browser and once u download it all u need to do is "right-click, search with tinyeye" and it will display all the results of where that picture has been used before..or where the poser stole the pics from!! So pretty much any search results = fake person..most of the time, but make sure first by checking out the links and doing some research before making accusations! Google Reverse Image Search works equally well if not better if tinyeye comes up with no results then that should be your next place to try.… 阅读更多内容
How i spot a FAKE on here!!!
WITH THIS!!!! Lol http://www.tineye.com/ It's a reverse image search plug-in for your browser and once u download it all u need to do is "right-click, search with tinyeye" and it will display all the results of where that picture has been used before..or where the LIAR stole the pics from!! So pretty much any search results = fake person..most of the time, but make sure first!… 阅读更多内容
13 年 前