最后出现于 58 分钟 前
Kama Sutra Guru
4233 天 在 XRMXX 上
9.9K 个人资料浏览次数
800 个订阅者
716 条评论
……………♥*♥ SUM
..♥♥…………. ♥♥…………..♥*♥
..♥♥…………. ♥♥…………..♥*♥
…..♥♥…….…LOVE…& …..♥♥
……..♥♥…Happy Tuesday……………….♥♥
I'll give you this though, I like you. You are at least respectful, and I appreciate that!
And I NEVER said you were an asshole! I don't think that in the slightest! I respect your opinions and your freedoms to speak your mind! If I didn't, I would have removed your comment from my wall right away. But I would rather show that people can have difference of opinions and engage in respectful discussions, and let everyone see that we can be respectful to each other!
Have a great day beautiful!
If you are not looking for a response, then don't post comments where everyone can see them. That simple.
And thank you, I will try to have a good day. You as well!
I came across your profile, liked your avatar picture, and clicked on "invite to friends." It wasn't anything any more complicated than that.
Sorry to hear you judge so small-mindedly.
You should give people a try.
And the fuck!!!