Well my plans that I had for today got changed, I was supposed to be over at a buddy's (straight guy) house later to to watch the Falcons/49's game. Something came up between he and his wife on Saturday night so I just politely backed out. Anyway, I ended up getting up early for a Sunday, about 4:30 AM already feeling very horny when my feet hit the floor. I stumbled into the bathroom feeling for the light switch with my left hand and grabbing my semi hard cock in the other hand, as soon as I had the light on and was standing in front of the toilet letting go of a whole nites worth of piss I s… 阅读更多内容
Where my love of boys came from
One of the things that I remember most about some of the boys I have been with was with this boy who I met at a local pub one Saturday afternoon, he was 18 and was with his parents who were sitting at the table next to me. We kept making eye contact and after his parents left he came over and introduced himself, I was just finishing my lunch and beer and asked him to sit and talk for a few minutes before I had to leave. He told me his name was Alex and said he noticed that I kept looking at him so he just wanted to come over, meet me and give me his number since he had to meet back up with his… 阅读更多内容