Almost six months of drama, fun, craziness, excitement and most of it was love, all ended in just few minutes, well, if being true to someone can lead to break up every other feelings towards others, then i'd better be staying with my hand rather than the person who thinks I'm cheating on them. Liking is totally different from loving someone. Staying up late night or getting late to work may or maynot effect her but everytime I was around I made sure she was happy at the end of the day. Be it sharing very silly thing to discussing very random shit. All done just to see her smile. Just meet… 阅读更多内容
less it's better then nothing :O I go...sharing a bit of my heart... I'm just a normal real and also on here,i mean it,i am a human and not a marrionete. In general i do enjoy to please others but please understand that i have my limits and if u don't at least ,show me some respect and some manners ,nothing will work between. If u get to know me much better u will see that are few things i do really hate,because i cant pass thru them even in real life :lies and being betrayed are my fears and that will really get me bitchy. I know that my job involve lots of things ...i know i may not… 阅读更多内容
Love me or hate me.
Imagine a woman: she’s young, a college student, double majoring, worked since her first semester, and on multiple school organization executive boards. Overall, she’s a hard, determined worker. What would you think of this person? Would you say she’s respectable? Would you think that she’s a good person and has worth? Imagine another woman who works as a cam girl. Men pay to talk to her online. Sometimes that might involve sex talk. What would you say about her? That she has no self-respect? Would you even shame her for her choice of occupation? What if I told you that the first g… 阅读更多内容