Not done one of these in a while so here goes. past few years have been a bit crap to be honest. As you all know I was living with my mum. she got into a relationship with one of the lodgers. but her mental heath has been in decline she would say and do things. for instants while we were relocated to hotel. last she told people that I didn't work and took d**gs and similar about her partner. i became the person they vented all their problems to things were really stressful. I got so low i thing it fucked up my friendship with eastern European girl who had been a good friend for years. She pass… 阅读更多内容
My year
Started a new job in a local supermarket filling shelves and working checkout. Its an ok work with some great people and the customers aren't so bad have noticed not so many women wear bras and a lot of cameltoe in leggings perks of living in a student city i guess. But I realise that like the nightclub jobs many years ago i use it as a social life and while i were temping the work and income were unpredictable. so going out and meeting new people just never happened the cam girl i hooked up with many years ago we had a rough bit of a rough patch but we both of us had money worries she wasn't… 阅读更多内容
lottery winner looking to share
so how do you want to share the tenna two half pint's and a bag of chips? yeah. I'm still a temp worker but now i'm working in an infant school as a cleaner sound like a bit of a sucky job. but its a relaxed place the people are great and i've clocked at least one hot teacher but fear she will make do something that to me is on a level with BDSM go to the gym. I'm in a cold sweat thinking about it and a boner thinking of her ass. Anyway currant fantasy is one of the MILFs at the school offers me a bit of house cleaning work in a ruse to get me into bed.… 阅读更多内容
I want a folding kayak
Not posted here for a while but walking along the banks of some of the rivers in sussex and with the current warmth here i really want the sort of kayak i can pack neatly away and take on the train or bus. because i can't drive. i also kind of dream going the length of the Danube Black forest to black sea sort of thing. I quite like the idea of going down a river somewhere with someone, pulling up on the bank and having sex there and then and camping out b4 going home next day… 阅读更多内容
update on me and me and a cam girl
You may of read my post about me and a cam model. Just over a two weeks ago from this post the girl sent me a message on twitter to say she was sick in hospital and unless she could get some money she would die. I have had many messages over the years of a similar nature. from complete strangers and a few of said she's just trying to get more money and I should cut all ties but checking in on here twitter she hadn't posted anything for well over a week. so I dont know. and it's real tough because If she trying to get more money out of me then i should be angry at her but at least she's alive a… 阅读更多内容
Me & and a cam model
Around 2013 I signed up with another cam site. a few months or so I got talking to one of the Bulgarian girls on site. We developed a good friendship. We spent a lot of time chatting. nothing really sexaul we disagreed on alot of things. she hated my job, my clothes me still living at home and my body hair. but she was a good friend. cheered e up while I was low. Moving on to september 2015 we we're having a chat about a festival in her city and how she wished I could come over. The very next tay I had a tax rebate in the post. We made plans but by the cheque cleared the flight price had… 阅读更多内容
The temp worker
kinda fantasising about working evenings in an office wheres the office manager is this sexy buxom thing who sometimes stays late because its better than going home to an empty home or her husband is some kind of idiot that would rather be off playing golf. At first she treats me like dirt just because I'm the hired help and quiet common. over the coming days she's rude sometimes insulting but because I kind need the money i have to put up with and one evening i walking into to her office i catch her drying her eyes. I ask if every thing is ok she tells me to fuck off. i'm a little upset… 阅读更多内容
i'm on else where find a link you like below
My Cam Page: Female Live Cam Home Page: Male Live Cam Home Page: Trans Live Cam Home Page: Couples Live Cam Home Page: Clips Home Page: Best Female Live Cam Room: Best Male Live Cam Room: Best Trans Live Cam Room: https://c… 阅读更多内容
I, the Penis,
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: I do physical labour. I work at great depths. I plunge head first into everything I do. I do not get weekends or public holidays off. I work in a damp environment. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, P. Niss The Response: Dear P. Niss: After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons: You… 阅读更多内容
kinda new job
working in in student halls cleaning there kitchens n bathrooms at the moment kinda gross but on the u[ side plenty of student tottie in there nightwear cute little blonde this morning black thong and white short sleeved t shirt with a lot of side boob on show offering a cup of tea almost to the nipple wish the pay is minimum wage but semi naked women are always a bounus but from what i can tell is the the only one that made possitive comment were the camp guy and the only place i onces trying to scew me are the guys in the bike shop by trying to sell me more parts than i need the twats… 阅读更多内容
sicko alert
Hurricane197 are you alone there?? Jim-Nice-But-Dim i am Hurricane197 want to see girl get rap-ed? Jim-Nice-But-Dim not my thing and i aint happy where this is going Hurricane197 lol ok Hurricane197 what u into? Jim-Nice-But-Dim nothing like that for one… 阅读更多内容
me myself and doing something (working title)
as everyone knows i'm a and emotional train wreck from time to time. I'm normally a happy go lucky guy and i have to show that front and someone who always wants to help the people he cares about and things like not being able to gets me down and frequently not having money that feeling i have to deal with my own problems because mine always seem minor compared with everyone one else like while i were at school i were bullied a bit and the only and advice i got were while there beating you up there leaving someone else alone and my step father didnt help he just locked me out and told me face… 阅读更多内容
the london nights
think i'm doing this Friday Saturday sunday weather work and of coures wages pending it sound like a bad idea and maybe it is but what have i got to lose and plus its the closet to a vacation i'm getting this year and closest to sleeping in the ritz i'll ever get. buti would like some pointers as safe places like parks n embankments… 阅读更多内容
me and depression &shit happens and sometimes
ever since i were young i have had problems with depression for the most part I'm ok But sometimes things happen i kinda get stressed and quite low and so on I'm an agency temp in a factory and one friday my phone and some money were taken from my coat £100 the day the agency books me to work the following week and with the weekend following it took till the following monday to sort out a replacement and that should of taken till 6pm that day instead it took till in till friday and even then i had to order another sim card that took another week so i have a week off work and the agency p… 阅读更多内容
london again
ok so me planning to sleep out in london to win back a friend was a stupid idea. though walking home from work last night 6miles is plenty of thinking time and the last time i slept out in london weren't so bad and for fucked up reason i kinda enjoyed the whole thing so going to doing it again one weekend. but this time just for the hell of it simple as… 阅读更多内容
shit happens and sometimes i dont cope too well
been trying to deal with depression for past couple of weeks not doing to well i'm a little better today my self confidence is at zero i could do with some help even if its just a message asking how i am. I love being able to help people out as and when i can but half the time i cant help my self at times like these past few weeks I got my mobile and and £100 taken from my wallet at the worst possible time because some of that money were for rent rest were for credit card and on top and with the replacement phone take over a week to get sorted out instead of the 24hrs I lost a week of work a… 阅读更多内容
hey guys if your the sort of guy that cams and your not just about sitting there with pants round your ankles. and like to chat share a coffee or something across the world then get your your profile added here… 阅读更多内容
xhamster changes
list of changes needed camming should be for pro and verified users and should be two lists for pro and non-pro tipping i want to be able to tip without the need to set up second profile its a pain in the ass i dont need so it would be cool if say if i reach how ever many tokens i need to make £20 i should be ether be able to cash in or buy 200 tokens and at the same time buy more tokens the two thing would be great because now you can ether buy or cam and not both witch kinda sucks and has driven a lot of people away from here make user name operational for the models and l… 阅读更多内容
of folks will be on cam for the evening but after that duty calls and with 14 hours of work n travel there's 10 left to eat n sleep but you can all message me here or follow me on twitter @jimbo_1977 and for some of you guys that cam follow @cam_dudes and i'm thinking about offering free profile placement for the 1st 5 guys to sign up. i digress any how i'll be back this evening for a quicky and after that tuseday unless of course i won lotto then ya wont see me for dust… 阅读更多内容
and it happens again
dam it i why is it when ever i go to tidy my room i end up just having a wank instead really really need a woman in my life so she can do the cleaning and or take the place of the wank and i think i just done one of those posts thats going to lead to a que of women wanting to give me a slap… 阅读更多内容