Erotic Conversation

Searcher2020/02/27 17:33 I love your strip tease gifs you got my mouth watering and my cock throbbing Modelmaven2020/03/23 09:40 Hi Searcher: Thanks--glad you like them! They were fun to make -- I clipped them from my videos. Searcher2020/03/23 09:53 Your welcome babe I bet they were fun You have videos ? I didn’t see them on your page ? Searcher2020/03/23 10:02 But I did see mine on there very flattering........ thanks ? Modelmaven2020/03/23 14:04 You're welcome! I wonder why my vids don't show? I see them, and the viewcounts are rising. Hmmm. Searcher2020/03/23 14:28 You wanna ride t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 modelmaven 3 年 前

I love a good drilling.

I haven't been active for months here. But at some point I saw a video which I liked mostly for its nostalgic value. But it also really got me horny. I had fantasies of fucking my high school boyfriend, my college boyfriend, and a couple other hunky guys I liked but never acted on. Here's a teasing photo of the drilling. Oh! That just makes me long for a good drilling! I love being filled up that way. LOVE it. L Here is the video: Sex is… 阅读更多内容

发表者 modelmaven 7 年 前 58

Sometimes you guys fall right in:-)

This is a chat I just had. Too good not to share:-) hornyguy: Hows your afternoon going? Are you staying dry? 1 hour ago modelmaven God no, I'm covered with semen! hornyguy: Lol I meant the rain but that's not a bad way to be wet! 7 minutes ago modelmaven ;-) 1 minute ago… 阅读更多内容

发表者 modelmaven 8 年 前 2

Dreams and Reality

I had just dozed off (more or less--who knows what time it was). In my dream, I felt a gentle stroke in my butt crack. And then again. But in my dream. Somewhere in the haze I realized it must have been real. I woke up when he was gently stroking the inside of my thigh, and up and down my leg. I just let him keep at it--must have been 20 minutes. He had me and himself in an interesting contorted position. I had been on my tummy sleeping with my left leg up. He eventually, very slowly, started to just brush my pussy--not with any seeming intent. Just sort of casually as he moved his hand up… 阅读更多内容

发表者 modelmaven 10 年 前 12


Wow! I just discovered we have a weblog feature here on xhamster. What is there to write about? I know--sex. Haha that *is* why I'm here. Yesterday, I had one of my erotic conversations with a friend here on xhamster; it is one of my favorite diversions during a stressful day. It is sooo refreshing afterwards, my knees weak, face flushed, and tingly down there. I wonder if any of my colleagues do this too? (I wonder which of my colleagues I would do this to, too!) Sex and especially this sort of sex--chatting erotically with "strangers" is very taboo. And yet it is so powerfully good.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 modelmaven 11 年 前 12
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